450gm Standard Emulsion Bound Chopped Strand Matting. (1mt wide -OEC)
Chopped Strand Matting is the standard form of Fibreglass used in hand lay up and when used with polyester resin produces strong, stiff and tough laminates for Boats, Water tanks, Industrial and Domestic applications. Resin use is 2.25 times the weight of glass used, so for 1 sq. m of 450gm mat then 1kg of resin will be needed. Wet out is complete when the laminate is almost transparent.
450gm Standard Matting 6.75 kg (15m2)
The emulsion binder is dissolved by styrene in the resin and the Fibreglass is completely wet out with resin when the laminate almost becomes transparent. The resin demand is 2.25 : 1 , meaning 1kg of Fibreglass mat needs 2.25kg of resin to wet it out.
Fibreglass mat is easy to drape over complex shapes and moulds into corners with no springback. The Fibreglass mat is approved for use in marine and boat maintenance apllications, potable water tanks, industrial and cosmetic mouldings, car repairs, building and caravan maintenance applications.